Symbolism of loyalty to the power of Teutonic order among the Old Prussians in the 13—14th centuries
Formation of the State of Teutonic Order in Prussia in the XIIIth—XIVth centuries based beside military oppression on the relations with local population supported by the incorporation of them in the system of condition landholding. These relations implied, from the one hand, the representation ...
Equipment of Prussian lieges in the State of Teutonic Order in the second half of the XIIIth — XIV centuries (on written sources)
The key aspect of incorporation of Prussians, who inhabited the South-East of Baltic region, into the social system of the State of Teutonic Order in the second half of the XIIIth—XIVth centuries was the distribution among them of land estates in exchange of military service and/or taxes. The military duties of Prussians involving defense of lands and participating in the campaigns against ...