A comparison of the condition of the sand hopper Talitrus saltator Montagu, 1808 groups depending on the ecology of the Vistula and Curonian Spits’ coast
A study into the condition of Talitrus saltator Montagu, 1808 groups on the coast of the Vistula and the Curonian Spits in April — October 2011 showed significant differences in the seasonal dynamics of key parameters characterizing these groups. On the Curonian Spit, an increase in the ...
The condition of a group of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) on the Vistual Spit coast
... Montagu, 1808) морского побережья Балтийской косы // Х съезд гидробиологического общества при РАН : тезисы. Владивосток, 2009. С. 288.
Nikitina S., Parakhina I.
Talitrus saltator, population indicators, Vistula Spit, recreational load.
The state of the marine groups flea Talitrus sal-tator Montagu, 1808 Curonian spit
... those of 2001—2003, which is indicative of a considerable positive effect of a reduction in recreational pressure on the Curonian Spit and its beaches.
Дитрих А. Н., Джабраилова Г. М. Экология морской блохи (Talitrus saltator, Montagu, 1808) на побережье Юго-Восточной Балтики. Калининград, 2007.
Nikitina S., Parakhina I.
Talitrus saltator, population indices, Curonian Spit, recreational load