Semantics of abionims in S. Snegov’s novel “People as Gods”
... on the priority of the moral law. Literary abionyms perform an ideological and aesthetic function and at the same time endow the novel with additional deep meanings that contribute to a more holistic perception of artistic reality.
Rozhin V.O.
S. Snegov, science fiction, “People as Gods”, onomastics, artistic space, toponyms, abionyms
The child that is «not of this world» in Sergey Snegov’s novel Humans as Gods (дата обращения: 29.11.2019).
12. Энциклопедия религий / под ред. А. П. Забияко, А. Н. Красникова, Е. С. Элбакян. М., 2008.
Zhilina N. P., Rozhin V. O.
Snegov, science fiction, Human as gods, idea of salvation, star, sun
Writer Sergei Snegov and the politics of memory in the Kaliningrad region (1950―1970s)
... production novel, traditional for Soviet literature, telling about the achievements and problems of ocean fishing and the daily life of Kaliningrad fishermen.
Fostova S.A.
history of the Kaliningrad region, politics of memory, Soviet fiction, S. A. Snegov