Discursive practices of the Russian diaspora in Estonia: language contacts
In this article, I use the concept of discursive practices to consider the speech practices of the Russian diaspora of Estonia. The findings of the study suggest the existence of an invariant discourse generated by an exemplary member of the diaspora. Such a discourse has formal (borrowings, code-switching, etc.), semantic (referential shifts, semantically ...
The theoretical aspects of history of social and cultural adaptation of Russian emigrants in England in the 1870s—1890s
This article considers the basic directions and research tasks of the study of Russian emigration to England in the 1870s-1890s, defines such important concept as “Russian diaspora”, and examines the methodology of the study of social and cultural adaptation of Russian emigrants.
Киперман А.
Главные центры русской революционной эмиграции
70—80-х ...
Dynamics of the Russian diaspora in the Baltic republics in 2018—2023
... Russians in the ethnic structure of the Baltic republics remains in the capitals, border municipalities adjacent to Russia, and historically Russian-settled territories, where the decline in the Russian share is most pronounced.
Kononenko D.S.
Russian diaspora, population, Baltic countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
The destinies of the Russian minority in Gdansk (translated from Polish by L. Maltsev)
This article offers a historical sketch of the life and activities of the Russian diaspora in Gdansk in the 1920-1930s. The author considers the participation of Russian emigrants in the political, business, and cultural life of Gdansk and their relationships with the local authorities. Special attention is paid to the political competition ...