Hyperbole, the comical, and grotesque in Yu. Buida’s collection of short stories The Prussian Bride
The connection between grotesque and myth is shown in the context of Yu. Buida’s collection of short stories The Prussian Bride. The author identifies the thematic areas of the intersection between grotesque, hyperbole, and the comical and analyses the linguistic means of their representation.
1. Агеев А. Черная бабочка сновидений // Знамя....
The multi-language coding and anagrammatic foundations of the “Venice text” in Yu. Buida’s short story “All the floating by”
This article examines the use of a multi-language anagrammatic code in Yu. Buida’s works. The authors identify the anagrammatic foundations of the “Venice text” in the shorty story “All the floating by” from the collection The Prussian Bride. It is shown that the core of the system is the anagrammatic variation of the words Венеция / невеста и море / amor / mors. The matrimonial and funeral semantics of the night boat rides of the female character along the Pregolya ...