Old Believers in the Northwestern krai of the Russian empire in the 19th — early 20th century: guides of the Russian idea or religious outcasts
The article examines the issue of the place of the Old Believer community in the Northwestern region of the Russian Empire during the process of Russification in the 19th to early 20th centuries. To achieve the research goal, the following tasks were addressed: a historical overview of the formation of the community in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was provided, a characterization of the existence of the Old Believer community in the region within the Russian Empire was given, circumstances of the...
Cultural and landscape zoning in the North- West Russia
... monuments) "Wildlife and historical and cultural sites of the Pskov region"], 1997, Pskov.
4. Kalutskov, V. N. 2007, Kul'turno-landshaftnoe rajonirovanie Russkogo Severa:postanovka problemy [Cultural landscape regionalization of the Russian North:statement of the problem], Rjabininskie chtenija, Muzej-zapovednik «Kizhi», Petrozavodsk, p. 54—56.
5. Kalutskov, V. N. 2000, Osnovy etnokul'turnogo landshaftovedenija [Basics of Landscape ethnocultural], Moscow.
6. Vedenin, Yu. А., Kuleshova,...
Northern cities of Russia: geographical features and modern approaches to research
Contemporary scientific literature lacks clear formulations of the concepts «Arctic city», «city of the Far North», and «Northern city». This is largely due to the vague boundaries between the territories of the North and the Arctic. Within the framework of this study, the main approaches to defining the boundaries of the North were considered, and a comparative ...
Supporting frames of the leading industrial complexes of the manufacturing industry of the Far North of Russia
... Russian Federation until 2035. In light of the active policy of import substitution, which is a key component of the national goal of “Technological Leadership,” increasing attention is being paid to the manufacturing industry, including in the Far North. This study analyzes data on the operations of manufacturing enterprises in the cities of the Far North and equivalent regions from 2016 to 2022, utilizing municipal and state statistical sources as well as databases such as SPARK-Interfax, zavody....
Historical development of the Pomor North Lexicography: a comparative analysis of the three translation dictionaries
The article describes three dictionaries compiled by three outstanding mariners who explored the Pomor North: the “Dictionary of Muscovites” compiled by the French navigator Jean Sauvage in 1586, the “Small Russian- Norwegian dictionary” written in 1907 by polar captain Alexander Kuchin and the “English-Russian Maritime Dictionary” of the Soviet ...
International relations of the North-West federal district of the Russian Federation and the New North concept
This article analyses the role of Russia — the North-West federal district — in the New North concept, which encompasses new political relations in the North of Europe in the framework of international organisations and regional cooperation — for instance, the Northern Dimension.
1. Beloborodova, I. N. 2000. POLIS, № 4, pp. 163—166....
The territorial structure of productive forces of Russian North-West in the 2000—2010s
A number of researchers are studying regional specifications of Russia from a variety of different perspectives. Economic geography has developed its own methods of approaching the study of territories, and looks, in particular, at geographical distribution of labour. In this article, we use the framework provided by this discipline to describe the changes in the economy of the Russian North-West in the first decade of the 21st century. We combine publicly available data to propose new methods of...
Foreign direct investment in North-West Russia
This article considers the socioeconomic characteristics of foreign direct investment and identifies the features of investment activities with foreign capital participation in the exclave region. The author analyses the dynamics of foreign direct investment inflow to the regions of North-West Russia and the industries preferred by foreign investors and identifies the position of the Kaliningrad region among the regions of North-West Russia
1. Официальный сайт Правительства Калининградской области...
Typology of the dynamics of nature management systems in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries
Environmental and land management systems at the regional level are the main object of management at large. The scripts for developing management programs include analysis and assessment of the regional environmental management system and the history of its setup, identification of the main trends, development of the most rational scenarios for its development and correction based on monitoring.
The article considers the main provisions of the concept plan of regional nature management systems...
The dynamics of agricultural land use in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries
... Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 2018. № 11 (3). P. 343—359.
12. Baldwin R. E., Martin P. Agglomeration and regional growth // Henderson J. V., Thisse J. F. (eds.). Handbook of regional and urban economics. Vol. 4 : Cities and geography. North Holland, 2004.
13. Balland P.-A., Belso-Martínez J. A., Morrison A. The Dynamics of Technical and Business Knowledge Networks in Industrial Clusters: Embeddedness, Status, or Proximity? // Economic Geography. 2015. № 92 (1). P. 35—60. doi: ...
Changes in the ethnic composition of the population of North- West Russia in the 18th -19th centuries
The launch of the ‘Historical Geography of Russia’ project in Russia’s larger historical and geographical regions necessitated the development of new research methods and the evaluation of traditional ones. The article considers the use of the time slicing method in the historical geography of Russia’s North-West. The temporal scope of the study is the early 18th — late 19th century. The article describes changes in the selected ethnic groups in North-West Russia (Ozernaya oblast’) and in some other...
On the international cooperation of North-West Russia in the field of innovations in the Baltic
... Innovation Network Centres. About project, available at: http://www. basic-net. eu/basic-brief (accessed 21 September 2012).
12. Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG III A Priorities. Project Compendium (2004—2007), Priority North, 2007, Riga.
13. Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007—2013. Approved projects, available at: http://eu. baltic. net/Approved_projects.4589.html (accessed 20 September 2012).
14. Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007—2013. Approved projects, available ...
From the idea to the strategy of Baltic Europe
This article focuses on the historic prerequisites and forms of international cooperation in the Baltic region (“Baltic cooperation”). According to the author, Baltic Europe is being formed as a single administrative, economic, cultural and infrastructural area, which could become a new economic and cultural center of Europe. Special emphasis is given to policies and strategies of the EU in the Baltic Sea region.
Andrulewicz E., 1994, Morze Bałtyckie, jego zagrożenia i ochrona, Państwowa...