Current problems in Russian-Latvian relations
Current relations between Russia and Latvia are still influenced by a series of mutual claims that appeared after the demise of the USSR. Latvia — as well as Estonia and Lithuania — is both an EU and NATO member state. However, unlike the above mentioned countries, its relations with ...
International Migration in the Periods of Transition and Crisis: the Case of Latvia
... processes are amongst the most relevant issues in the geography of the Baltic States. The authors analyse the changes in migration patterns from the early 1990s until today. The focus of the study is the recent trends of migratory movements in the case of Latvia. Due to the country’s economic recession, migration has accelerated in the recent years. Empirical results show the response of the migration system to the changing internal factors and external influences in the times of transition and global ...
Latvian policy on the Russian-language education
The article studies the development of Russian-language school education in independent Latvia from 1992 to 2020, as well as the process of reforming this system by official authorities. At the time of declaration of independence and withdrawal from the USSR, a bilingual education system which was formed in Latvia, made it possible to get ...
Russians in Latvia: Peculiarities of Socio-cultural Adaptation and Identity
The author identifies trends and variations of the socio-cultural identity and integration of Russians in Latvia. According to the author, since the middle 1990s, two trends have been recognized - first, the “ingrowing” of ethnic Russians into the life of independent Latvia, and second, forming their new identity. The article presents a number of factors ...
‘I did know who they were’: The red horse and the white poodle in Viktor Sosnora’s The Latvian Ballad
This article aims to interpret the images of the red horse and the white poodle featured in Victor Sosnora’s poem The Latvian Ballad. These characters, mentioned in the final verses of each odd-numbered stanza, provide the leitmotif of the poem. Their appearance in the fictional world of The Latvian Ballad constitutes the primary event of the text. The title, indicating the genre and setting a national or local context, also significantly influences the meanings attributed to the red horse and the...
The problems and prospects of higher education mod-ernisation in Latvia
This article examines the socio-economic factors that determine the possible outcomes of modernization of higher education in Latvia, as well as the promising directions of improving the quality and effectiveness of higher education and science in Latvia.
1. Министерство образования и науки Латвии : [информационный сайт]....
Political elite networks in Latvia and their transformation in 1993-2014
.... 1989. № 19. P. 89—126.
3. Higley J., Burton M. Elite Foundations of Liberal Democracy. Boulder, 2006.
4. Knoke D. Political Networks: the Structural Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
5. Lieven A. The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to In¬de¬pendence. New Haven ; L., 1994.
6. The New Democracies in Eastern Europe: Party Systems and Political Cleavages. Aldershot, 1994.
7. Wasserman S., Faust K. Social Network Analysis: Method and Application. Cambridge ...
The system of financing political parties in Latvia
This article considers the mechanism of financing of political parties in the Republic of Latvia. The author analyses the participation of financial and economic groups in the country’s political life. Key business actors affecting the formation of Latvian political system are identified. It is concluded that, since regaining independence ...