Character-istics of communities chironomids lakes of the city of Kaliningrad
This article investigates the state of chironomid communities in Lake Penkovoe, Pond Isakovsky, Pond Shkolny, and the Karasevka pond system in Kaliningrad in spring 2011. The authors provide new data on the species composition, abundance, and biomass of chironomidae. The Shannon, Simpson, Balushkin, and Margalef indices ...
New data on the chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) fauna in the water bodies of the Kaliningrad region
... Биология, систематика и функциональная морфология пресноводных животных: сб. науч. тр. Л., 1986. Вып. 56 (59). С. 280—306.
Vinokurova N. V., Chervotkina T. A.
chironomids, Lake Penkovoe, Pond Isakovsky, Karasevka pond system,
Pond Shkolny, abundance, biomass, species diversity.