«Nomen est omen»: the role of names in the novel Parade by Nikolay Kononov
The author analyses the role of the main characters’ names — Lev, Lyuda and Arkady — in the novel Parade by N. Kononov. The multilanguage anagrammatic code is chosen as a research technique: anagramming (in some cases with a transition from one language to another) allows the author to identify hidden meanings consciously or subconsciously used by the writer....
Nikolay Kononov's novel “Flaneur” in the context of Polish messianism: history and myth
The article describes the specific features of Kononov’s dialogue as the author of the novel “Flaneur” with Polish messianism, which is presented by Mickiewicz’s “Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation” and Slovatsky’s “Journey to the East”. Kononov’s parody and play ...
The role of intertextuality in the formation of the opposition soul-body in Nikolai Kononov's «Eugenia's Genius»
The authors examine intertextual links between N. Kononov's story «Eugenia's Genius» (1998) and the myth of Cupid and Psyche from Apuleius «Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass» by Apuleius, »Light breath» by I. A. Bunin and Roman M. Kundera's «The Unbearable Lightness of Being». The authors explore ...
Alchemic symbols as a means of psychoanalytical description in N. Kononov's story «Source of Injury»
The story «The Source of Injury» by Nikolay Kononov is as a psychoanalytic report that has a therapeutic effect for the narrator. The characteristics of the three main characters are considered in terms of their alchemical symbolism. This point of view makes it possible to identify the psychological ...
“Svetotomy” N. М. Kononov and Plato’s “The feast”: a dialogue of cultures
The article is devoted to comparative analysis of N. M. Kononov’s short story “Svetotomiy” and Plato’s dialogue “The feast”. The research aims at identifying intertextual links between these text while the analysis establishes the dialogic nature of the texts on a conceptual level and they are ...
From ekphrasis to autobiography (Nikolay Kononov’s story “Svetotomia”)
The article reveals peculiarities of representation of the autobiographical topos in N. Kononov’s short story “Svetotomia” that is present implicitly in each work of the writer. In this short story, the autobiographical discourse is represented via the painting and photography code. The authors emphasize the significance of the concepts ...
Musical ekphrasis and musical code in N. Kononov’s novels
The article studies the representation of acoustic imagery in N. Kononov’s novels. The research focuses on musical ekphrasis and musical code in the context of all the acoustic nominations found in the texts. In the system of sensory codes, under the concept of "musical", the author puts the idea of reflection ...
Ex ungue leonem: intertextual links between Nikolai Kononov’s novel Parade and Jorge Luis Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
The article states that a short story “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (1940) by Jorge Luis Borges is the pretext of Nikolay Kononv’s novel “Parade” (2015). The author shows, how Kononov reproduces and, at the same time, develops the main themes from Borges’ story, resorting to geographical and anagrammatic codes, the principle of metaphorical reflection and a play upon words. The researcher interprets the hidden codes in the ...
The science of love and a classical university: Nikolay Kononov’s short story ‘Anastasia’s Amnesia
Based on N. Kononov’s short story ‘Anastasia's Amnesia’ (1999), this article considers the isomorphism between the conceptual field of ‘university’ and the core of the author’s conceptual system. The language game with the names of disciplines — philology,...
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
The second article of the series considers the role of the vegetative code in conveying the core of N. Kononov’s hidden semantic system, namely, the de-velopment of the dual and the plural from the singular I (ego). The paronymy between the Russian koren (root) and the English corn makes it possible to progress to the Russian ovyos (oats), which represents ...
The numerological code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Tripartite Sibling”
Based on N. Kononov’s short story, this article analyses the numerological code relating to the generation of the plural from the singular I (ego). An increase in the number of objects is accounted for by the dynamic equation N = N+1. The author examines both the ...
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
N. Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia” is used to study the mythopoetic code forming the basis of the writer’s works. The article considers the semantics of human life as vegetation in its connection to the “life-death”, “young-old”,...
Olya the Crazy: N. Kononov’s novel The source of mutilation in the mirror of a movie
This article considers the intertextual connection between N. Kononov’s novel The Source of Mutilation and A. Rou’s movie Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. The author identifies and describes the universal culture-forming Doppelgänger archetypes relevant to both works.
1. Кононов Н. Магический ...
Adrian the Undertaker (the subtexts and pretexts of Nikolai Kononov’s novel The Flaneur)
This article examines the multilanguage anagrammatic code of N. Kononov’s novel Flaneur. The authors offer an interpretation of the epigraph to the novel and identify a number of antiquity reminiscence in the text. The article focuses on the parallels between A.S. Pushkin’s short story “The Undertaker” and ...
Conceptual opposition Soul-Body in N. Kononov's "Eugenia’s Genius": levels of explicit and implicit semantics
The author explores the conceptual opposition Soul-Body in N. Kononov's story «Eugenia’s Genius". The opposite members of the dichotomy Soul-Body have different forms of linguistic representation. The concept Body is expressed explicitly, whereas Soul is often implicit. Being related to each other, they ...
The letter to itself: about communications problem in a picture of the world of N. Kononova (on a story example «The Amnesia Anastass»)
In the article the phenomenon «Another I» of the hero on a story material «the Amnesia Anastasia» is analyzed by N. Kononov. In work the letter as the basic way of communications of the hero with the imagined addressee is considered, and existence of the alternative person of the hero contacts special unsteadiness, instability and step-type behaviour of the art world ...
The features of proper name semantic structure in N. Kononov short story Mikesha
Имя текста и имя в тексте
// Имя текста, имя в тексте: сб. науч. тр. Тверь, 2004.
Фрейденберг О.
Поэтика сюжета и жанра. М., 1997.
Skryabina A.V.
N. Kononov, myth, mythopoetics, doppelgangers