Migration and the Transformation of Multiethnic Population Structure in the Kaliningrad Region of the Post-Soviet Era
... материалы международ-ной конференции. In: Fedorov, G. M., Emelyanova, L. L. (eds.), 2008, Migracija i social'no-jekonomicheskoe razvitie stran regiona Baltijskogo morja [Migration and
socio-economic development of the Baltic Sea Region], Kaliningrad, p. 56—75.
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Reflections on the history of the Kaliningrad region
... Kaliningradskaya oblast': uchebnoe posobie dlya shkol'nikov. 10—11 klassy [History of Western Russia. Kaliningrad region’s: Educational handbook for pupils]. Moscow.
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Geography and economy of the Kaliningrad region: limitations and prospects of development
With its exclave status, the Kaliningrad region has been drawing attention of many researchers in different fields. Yet the prospects for cooperation between the region and neighbouring communities in Poland and Lithuania, which once constituted an integrated social, economic and political space,...
The development of Kaliningrad regional economy: A new stage of restructuring
... (accessed 15.09.2012).
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12. Klemeshev, A. P., Mau, V. A. (eds.), 2011, Strategii razvitija Kaliningradskoj oblasti [Strategy development of the Kaliningrad region], Kaliningrad, Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, 472 p.
13. Strategija social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Kaliningradskoj oblasti na dolgosrochnuju perspektivu. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Kaliningradskoj oblasti ot 02 avgusta 2012 goda № ...