From a city to the myth (Yu. Buida’s Königsberg)
This article analyses Yu. Buida’s novel Königsberg as a fragment of the Königsberg text in Russian literature. It is shown that the mythological image of Königsberg/Kaliningrad is based on the moving border between the documentary and the fictional, history and narration, whereas the discursive structure of the text simulates the transformation ...
The chronosoteriology of the Königsberg text
This article considers the futurological potential of the experience of “salvation of time” reflected in the works of representatives of the so-called ‘Königsberg text’. Despite the differences in diagnosing the modern state of affairs, which is being reduced to the binary opposition of the ‘optimistic belief in progress’ vs the ‘apocalyptic belief in the inevitability of the end of the world’, the chronosoteriologies ...
City as an explicant of the key concepts in Dostoevsky’s “The Adolescent
... Kontsept: grani ponyatiya v sovremennoi nauke [Concept: facets of the concept in modern science: a collective monograph]. Noginsk, pp. 4—45 (in Russ.).
Fyodor Dostoevsky, novel “The Adolescent”, city, concept, local text, Petersburg text, Moscow text, Königsberg text, Ems text
Kapustina S.V