Russia’s Coastal Zone as a Social and Geographic Phenomenon: Conceptualisation and Delimitation
... Geograficheskiy faktor v razvitii obshchestva [The geographical factor in the development of society], 334 p.
41. Druzhinin, A. G. 2011, Ot gumanizatsii k neogumanizatsii rossiyskoy sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy geografii: trendy, problemy, prioritety [From the humanization to a neo-humanization of oRussian socio-economic geography: trends, challenges, priorities], Yuzhno-rossiyskiy forum: ekonomika, sotsiologiya, politologiya, sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya geografiya, no. 1, p. 34—51.
42. Druzhinin, A. G. 2004,...