The Knight of Contemporary Russian Kantiana. On the 85th Birthday of Leonard Kalinnikov
This is a review of the main research achievements of Professor L. A. Kalinnikov presented in his articles and monographs. The theoretical issues of Kantianism considered in Kalinnikov’s works include the problem of cognisability of “the thing in itself” and noumenal affection, the character of systematicity in Kant’s philosophy and the methodology of its interpretation. Cycles of articles are devoted to the reception of Kant’s ideas in the philosophical and poetic work of V. S. Solovyov, Kant’s...
The female images in Hoffmann's The Serapion Brethren novella cycle
The female images in E. T. A. Hoffmann's cycle "The Serapion brethren" are compared to those traditional for German romanticism. The author emphasises the general romantic features of the female image and traces its evolution from the classical to ironical and parody ones.
Tieck L
., 1839.
Гофман Э.
Собр. соч.: в 6 т. М
., 1998.
Die Liebe, der Tod und das Ich im Spiegel der Kunst. Königstein, 1985.
“To think of an object and to know an object is… not the same”, or E. T. A. Hoffmann and “Transcendental analytic”
In the article the question is raised about the Kantianism of E. T. A. Hoffmann on the example of the story from “The night stories”, which shows that the transcendental reflection as an important gnoseological form makes the practical sense in the human life.
1. Берковский Н. Я. Э. Т. А. Гофман // Берковский Н. Я. Романтизм в Германии. СПб., 2001.
2. Гёррес Й. Афоризмы об искусстве… // Эстетика немецких романтиков. М., 1987.
3. Гиппель Т. Г. фон. Воспоминания о Гофмане // Гофман Э. Т. А. Жизнь...
“To think of an object and to know an object is… not the same”, or E. T. A. Hoffmann and “Transcendental analytic”
The article raises the question about the Kantianism of E. T. A. Hoffmann displayed in the story from “The night stories”, which shows that the transcendental reflection as an important gnoseological procedure has important practical sense in the human life.
1. Berkovskij N. Ja. Je. T. A. Gofman // Berkovskij N. Ja. Romantizm v Germanii. SPb., 2001.
2. Gjorres J. Aforizmy ob iskusstve… // Jestetika nemeckih romantikov. M., 1987.
3. Gippel' T. G. fon. Vospominanija o Gofmane // Gofman Je. T. A...
Enigma of magnetism in the mystery of the romantic spirit of E. T. A. Hoffmann (based on the novel «Der Magnetiseur»)
... skeptischen Phantasten. Frankfurt a/M, 2000.
22. Schubert G. H. Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaften // Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon / hrsg. von W. Jens. München, 1998. S. 28—29.
Gilmanov V. Kh., Koptsev I. D., Likhina N. E.
Hoffman, romanticism, sophianic, magnetism, demonization, mesmerism, freemasonry