Gawriil Osipowitsch Gordon in Erinnerungen seiner Kinder
The article is dedicated to the life and work of the Russian Neo-Kantianist Gavriil Gordon. The author addresses archive material and the memoires of Gavriil Gordon's children, which allow reconstructing certain episodes of his creative work.
1. ОР ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина. Кол. 11. Разд. 5. Ед. хр. 11.
Possible manifestations of the quantum Hawking radiation effect in nonlinear optics
The analogy between solitons and black holes is considered for self-induced transparency. In nonlinear optics Hawking radiation can exist. This effect in particular leads to decreasing of soliton energy with time.
Astashenok A. V., Teplyakov A. S.
nonlinear optics, black holes, solitons, Hawking temperature, sine-Gordon equation, self-induced transparency