“Bavaria, which I will never forget”: to the image of German space in “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch
The paper deals with images of Bavarian space based on the travelogue “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch from the imagological and semiotic points of view. The representation of the metropolitan and provincial imagery of Bavaria is analyzed. Its liminality, fixed in Gretch’s text, is revealed, i. e. intermediate position between North and South. A connection is established between the analyzed loci and such spatial types as the spaces of demi-natural idyll, historical...
The “Polish question” in Soviet-German relations in the second half of the 1920s (based on the materials of the USSR consulate in Königsberg)
On the basis of earlier unknown documents of the Soviet consulate in Königsberg retrieved from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the author analyses relations between the USSR and Germany in 1925—1930. The author focuses on the role of the “Polish question”, which largely affected the nature of bilateral relations. The consulate documents indicate that Soviet diplomacy aspired to exploit the differences between Poland and Germany over a wide range of issues (the geopolitical...
Organisation of scientific research in Germany
This article considers the structure of research system in Germany. It describes the federal and state levels of research management. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) bears primary responsibility for science and technology policy at the federal level. At the state level, this responsible is shared by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economy. The author emphasizes the role of the National Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina”, whose principal objective is to...
Idyll, history, rationality: city images in “Real Journey to Germany in 1835” by Nikolay Gretsch
The article explores the images of the German cities, Lubeck and Hamburg, presented in Nikolay Gretsch’s travelogue “The real trip to Germany in 1835”. The author determines the link between the images of the two cities and the tradition of describing Germany as an idyllic place. This tradition was widespread in Russian literature at the end of the 18th century — first half of the 19th century. In Gretsch’s text, Lubeck and Hamburg are depicted as idyllic but to different degrees. The locus of Lubeck...