The role of intertextuality in the formation of the opposition soul-body in Nikolai Kononov's «Eugenia's Genius»
The authors examine intertextual links between N. Kononov's story «Eugenia's Genius» (1998) and the myth of Cupid and Psyche from Apuleius «Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass» by Apuleius, »Light breath» by I. A. Bunin and Roman M. Kundera's «The Unbearable Lightness of Being». The authors explore the role of these relations ...
Brothers “in the fifth season of the year, the sixth sense and the fourth dimension”: the space of heaven in the poetical world of M. Tsvetaeva
... Избранные труды : в 3 т. М., 1997. Т. 2 : О стихах.
5. Рильке Р. М., Пастернак Б., Цветаева М. Письма 1926 года. М., 1990.
Krysanova A.
Tsvetaeva, space, heaven, God, mountain, divine youth, poet, Genius