Actualization of the dialectical unity of “Friend-foe” in the ideological attitudes of G. Radtke’s novel “Die Tätowierten”
The article analyzes the actualization of the dialectical unity of “friend-foe” on the example of the German-language novel G. Radtke “Die Tätowierten”for young adults. The study relies on the research of the ideological attitudes of the GDR through the analysis of theoretical sources, the method of continuous sampling, linguistic analysis of contextual blocks of the story, and establishes the spheres of human activity that represent the rejection of the values of a hostile ideology: ...
The representation of residents of the Kaliningrad region in the press of the German Democratic Republic
... as well as concludes that the images were not constructed independently in the editorial offices of German newspapers, but were imposed through publications of Soviet news agencies together with articles and notes of Soviet journalists printed in the GDR.
Shepel Ia. G.
press, Soviet people, Kaliningrad, GDR
The facets of German mentality and the search for a national identity in Germany’s sociocultural context at the turn of the century
... обращения: 16.10.2014).
32. Vergau J. Aufarbeitung von Vergangenheit vor 1989 nach. Eine Analyse des Umgangs mit den historischen Hypotheken totalitärer Diktaturen in Deutschland. Marburg, 2000.
Mazenova M. V., Sharypina T. A.
literature of the GDR, literature of the FRG, reunification, identification, mentality, national and cultural-historical codes, identity