Freud’s cognitive and linguistic insights in the theory of dream interpretation
This article stresses the theoretical ‘touching points’ of S. Freud’s theory of dream in¬terpretation and modern cognitive linguistics. The authors stress the relevance of such lin¬guistic transformations as metaphor, metonymy, symbolisation, paronymy, homonymy, language game, and associative networks for Freud’s ...
The problem of memory in the novels of T. McCarth
... The Guardian : [сайт]. 31.07.2010. URL:
(дата обращения: 16.02.2017).
Gilmanov V., Tausneva A.
McCarthy, memory, light, cave, fragmentariness, chronotope, Freud
‘Conservative symbolism’ in Erich Fromm’s theory of dreams
... Дж. Энциклопедия символов. М., 1995.
2. Д. Тресиддер. Словарь символов. М., 1999.
3. Фромм Э. Забытый язык. Ангарск, 1994.
psychology, dream interpretation, symbolism, culture, Freud, Fromm, unconscious, psychoanalysis
Vasilyeva I. Tsvetkova A.