Adrian the Undertaker (the subtexts and pretexts of Nikolai Kononov’s novel The Flaneur)
This article examines the multilanguage anagrammatic code of N. Kononov’s novel Flaneur. The authors offer an interpretation of the epigraph to the novel and identify a number of antiquity reminiscence in the text. The article focuses on the parallels between A.S. Pushkin’s short story “The Undertaker” and the novel Flaneur....
Nikolay Kononov's novel “Flaneur” in the context of Polish messianism: history and myth
The article describes the specific features of Kononov’s dialogue as the author of the novel “Flaneur” with Polish messianism, which is presented by Mickiewicz’s “Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation” and Slovatsky’s “Journey to the East”. Kononov’s parody and play with historical myths of Polishness allow the reader ...