What Saussure wrote/did not write: A half a century discussion on the anagram theory
This article explores the history of studies into Ferdinand de Saussure’s ideas of anagrams. When Saussure’s notebooks were published in the late 1960s and his drafts in the 1990s, scholars received a wealth of material for in-terpretation going far beyond the initial topic of ancient Indo-European poetry. The ...
Formation of Ferdinand de Saussure's authentic terminological system
... mechanisms transformed Saussure’s terminology into a linguistic terminological system consisting of 36 scientific terms.
1. Cardona T. R. Négativité, récursivité, incalculabilité, les quaternions dans 'De l'essence double du langage' // Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure № 61. Genève, 2008. Р. 87—99.
2. Corbellari A. Un précurseur inattendu de Saussure: l’invention du couple “signifiant” et “signifié” chez Malherbe // Bibliothèque d'humanité et Renaissance. 2016. Vol. 78, issue 1. Р. 147—154....