The ‘Faust zone’ in the works of Goethe and Pushkin
This article considers the ‘Faustian motif’ in Pushkin’s life and work. The problem of the ‘Faust zone’ in history is emphasised in the context of compari-son of different ideological and poetic interpretations of the Faustian archetype in the works of Goethe and Pushkin. It is concluded that Pushkin’s poetic ge-nius is Christian in its ...
F.M. Klinger’s Faust: the dialogue of cultures
This article presents an analysis of the influence of Russian culture on the central character of F. Klinger’s philosophic novel Faust's Life, Deeds, and Journey to Hell. The typical traits of Russian mentality exhibited by the character are examined in the light of the fact that the novel was written in Russia.
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