The discourse of “European identity” in the conditions of the EU crisis
This paper considers the problem of European identity in the conditions of the current European crisis. European identity developed over a long time on the moral and political grounds. The author arrives at a conclusion about the need to reconsider the concept of European identity in the EU crisis ...
The “European identity” of today: a category of political practice or discourse?
This paper considers the cultural, political, and historical problems of the development of European identity in the discourse of Europe. The author addresses the question as to whether European identity is a category of political discourse or a real instrument of European integration and comes to a conclusion that the concepts of European identity are ...
Modern trends in the Baltic countries in the discourse of identity: between sovereignty and European integration
... обращения: 23.02.2013).
10. European Commission. «Eurobarometer 73.3». URL:¬abs=&af=&nf=1&db=D (дата обращения: 23.02.2013).
Berendeev M.
National identity, European identity, Baltic States, European Union