Political competition and consolidation in the process of Eurasian in¬tegration
This article focuses on the political processes in the countries of Eurasian continent against the background of Eurasian integration. The author describes the steps of the integration process. The article compares assessments of Eurasian integration given by scholars and political scientists from different countries. The author considers the features of different stages ...
European and Eurasian integration: similarities and differences
The article studies the development of integration processes in Europe and Eurasia. The purpose of scientific research is to identify the similarities and differences between European and Eurasian integration. The theoretical relevance of the research lies in the comparison of the integration processes regarding the analysis of demographic and socio-economic development indicators of the EU and EAEU countries, as well as the integration mechanisms ...
International political status of an observer state to the EAEU: problems and prospects of institutionalization
... is small: China, Vietnam, Iran, Serbia, and Singapore. As Armenian-Azerbaijani relations normalize and Uzbekistan progresses in integration, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan may potentially attain similar status.
Radonezhskaja O.N.
EAEU, observer state, Eurasian integration, Moldova, Cuba, Uzbekistan, position analysis