J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis in search of the criterion of artistry
The article examines the aesthetic aspect of the artistic pursuits of famous English philologists and writers of the 20th century, Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, based on their literary-critical works, essays, and fictional texts. In particular, the article traces the search for a criterion of artistry in the works of these authors. The relevance of this study is determined ...
The concept of Joy in C. S. Lewis's autobiography
... Льюис К. С. Любовь. Страдание. Надежда : Притчи. Трактаты. М., 1992. С. 3—8.
8. Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambridge, 2002.
9. Lewis C. S. Surprised by Joy. N. Y., 2016.
Kosinskaya A. S.
Clive Staples Lewis, literary concept, joy, autobiography, literary text, meaning, allegory