German spiritual lyrics in the allusive space of Clemens Brentano’s fairy tales
The article analyzes the features of the allusions functioning in German spiritual lyrics in the tales by Clemens Brentano. The author's strategy of introducing allusions to the texts previously published in the collection The Boy's Magic Horn is considered, as well as the principle of double coding, in which the allusion refers simultaneously to the elements of ...
Open and enclosed space in a romantic novel
... Франца Штернбальда. М., 1987.
5. Ханмурзаев К. Г. Немецкий романтический роман. Махачкала, 1998.
6. Arnim A. V. Sämtliche Romane und Erzählungen : in 3 Bd. München, 1962.Bd. 1.
7. Brentano С. Werke. München, 1963. Bd. 2.
8. Novalis. Schriften : in 4 Bd. Stuttgart, 1960. Bd. 1.
9. Schlegel D. Florentin. Berlin, 1987.
10. Tieck L. Werke : in 4 Bd. München, 1963. Bd. 1.
Cherpanov D.
L. Tieck, A. Arnim, D. Schlegel, C. Brentano,...