Between mysticism and technique: anagram the European Baroque culture
The author analyses the history of anagrams in the European baroque culture of the 17th century, shows a rich diversity of literary genres where anagrams are used, and identifies the main trends and techniques of creating anagrams. The article outlines the scope of problems for a future study of anagrams in different ...
Liudvikas Rėza and the struggle of two ‘mysteries’
... 1813 und 1814 aus dem Tagebuche eines Feldgeistlichen in dem Preußischen Heere. Nebst einer Beschreibung der Schlachten, von welchen der Verfasser Augenzeuge war. Berlin, 1814.
Rėza, discourse, theology, God-centrism, Enlightenment, Königsberg, Baroque, Freemasonry, Kant
Gilmanov V.