“The point of departure of peoples determines their fate”: Peter Chaadaev and Alexis de Tocqueville
... foreign scholars interpreted these words differently, trying to assess the seriousness of Chaadaev’s reproach. The article explores the history of the expression ‘le point de départ’ and the use of it in the works by Tocqueville (“Democracy in America”) and Chaadaev (“Philosophical Letters”, “Apology of a Madman”). The author argues that the concept of the ‘point of departure’, which had special significance for Tocqueville, was also important for Chaadaev, who used this phrase ...
Age-related characteristics of English, American, and Russian compliments
In this article, I identify and analyse the linguistic features of the generation and perception of compliments by people of different age identities from English, American and Russian cultures. Language is not the same across different age groups, which necessitates a thorough examination of age-related parameters in language and the identification of semiotic markers of age identity. The promising area of linguistic research — social semiotics — lends an urgency to such a study. To achieve the...
The opposition of homeland — foreign country in “american” novels “For Daily Bread” by H. Sienkewicz and V.G. Korolenko’s “Without Language”
The article deals with the peasant emigration to America in the novels of Henryk Sienkiewicz “For Daily Bread” and Vladimir Korolenko “Without Language”. The plot structure of the stories and the system of characters are contrasted for spatial oppositions “close — far” and “homeland ...
The Christian right movement in the USA in the 1990s
... Vol. 63, № 4.
3. Brooks C., Manza J. A Great Divide? Religion and Political Change in U. S. National Elections, 1972—2000 // The Sociological Quarterly. 2004. Vol. 45, № 3.
4. Bruce S. Modernity and Fundamentalism: the New Christian Right in America //British Journal of Sociology. 1990. Vol. 44, № 4.
5. Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics / ed. by P. A. Djupe, L. R. Olson.N. Y., 2003.
6. God at the Grass Roots: The Christian Right in the 1994 Elections / ed. by M. Rozell,...
The linguistic and stylistic means of expressing identity in com¬plimentary phrases (based on modern English, American, and Russian fiction)
This article identifies and analyses the linguistic features of the genera-tion and perception of complimentary phrases in different age groups belon-ging to English, American, and Russian cultures. The language of representatives of different age groups is dissimilar, therefore, there is a need to consider the effect of age parameters on language.
1. Булгаков М. А. Театральный роман. Алма-Ата, 1988.
2. Вахтин Н. В., Головка Е. В. Социолингвистика и социология языка. Гендер. Язык и возраст. URL:...
Right-wing radical ideologems in the politics of South American states
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of right-wing radical ideologies on political processes in South America. Right-wing radicalism has a long history of presence in the political reality of South American states. Having gone a long way from the usual ideas and concepts of the continental elites to the organization of right-wing radical political forces,...
Between profession and public engagement: Evolution of the public history movement in America
This article examines the origins and development of the public history movement in America. Special attention is paid to analysing ideas and approaches dominant at different stages of its development and identifying factors behind changes in major trends. It is shown that pubic history has undergone significant transformations abandoning ...
After «the collapse of the empire»: British-American his-toriography of the first half of the 1990s on the parallels in the history of formation of the 20th century Lithuanian statehood
This article explores the parallels between the Lithuanian movements for national independence in 1917—1920 and 1988—1991 as analyzed in the Anglo-American historiography of the first half of the 1990s. Such scholars as A. Lieven and other authors characterize some main similarities and differences between those movements. These scholars emphasize the ambiguity of the Soviet experience, as well as the internal conflicts within the Lithuanian political elite and demonstrate the productivity of the...
The US Congress discussions on the deployment of American antimissile defence system in 1969
This article considers the course of discussions in the US Congress in 1969 in regard to the construction of American antimissile defence system.The author presents the arguments put forward by President Richard Nixon, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, senators, and members of the House of Representatives.
. Ф. 129. Оп. 58. П. 249. Д. 59.
. Ф.129, Оп. 55. П. 215. Д. 54.
. Ф. 47: Отдел международных отношений. Оп. 15. П. 146. Д. 24.
Добрынин А.
Ф., Добрынин...
Management of Trans-boundary Water Resources: Comparing Russian and American Experiences
... Waters and the US-Canadian International Joint Commission. The Russian-Estonian Commission works in accordance with the principle of intergovernmentalism, whereas transnationalism is the founding principle of the International Joint Commission in North America. Though the Russian-Estonian Commission is more efficient in water quality improvement in its area of responsibility, it is early still to claim that intergovernmental cooperation is more effective than transnational cooperation. However, it gives ...
On the problem of semiosis in the borrowed sign
The data of empirical research of the borrowed sign evolution are ana-lyzed in the article. The study focuses on"creativity"as an Anglo-American borrowing. Reversive nature of semiotic process, typical for interpretation of borrowed words — from sign to it’s meaning, from signifiant to signifie is shown. Different ways of assimilation of "alien" cultural experience in the consciousness of a target language are described.
1. Аристова В. М. Морфологическая структура английских...
The prime of Jimmy Carter: The 90th anniversary of ex-President
... обращения: 14.04.2014).
10. Guinea Worm Disease: Worldwide Case Totals // The Carter Center. URL:
(дата обращения: 14.04.2014).
11. Johnson H. In the Absence of Power: Governing America. N. Y., 1980.
12. Kaufman B. The Presidency of James Earl Carter, Jr. Lawrence, 1993.
13. National Party Platforms. 1960—1976 / сomp. by Е. Johnson. Urbana, 1978. Vol. 2.
Tishakova E.
Jimmy Carter, president, United States of America, anniversary