The development of a 1946 draft decree of the USSR Council of Ministers on populating the agricultural areas of the Kaliningrad region
... 3807.
7. Государственный архив новейшей истории Калининградской области (ГАНИКО). Ф. 1. Калининградский областной комитет (обком) КП РСФСР (1946—1991 гг.). Оп. 2. Д. 44.
8. ГАНИКО. Ф. 2. Калининградский городской комитет (горком) КПСС (1947—1990 гг.). Оп. 1. Д. 10.
9. Государственный архив Калининградской ...
The ideological campaigns of the late Stalinism period at kolkhozes of the Kaliningrad region: everyday history
This article analyses the major ideological campaigns of 1946—1953 on the basis of earlier unknown materials from the archival funds of Kaliningrad kolkhozes. The author considers the influence of campaigns on the mass consciousness of peasants and their social behaviour from the perspective of «everyday ...
On the motivation of collective farmers in the last years of Stalinism (1946—1956)
... peasant labor in the collective farms. The study of rural everyday life is carried out within the framework of a micro-historical approach on the example of the collective farm "Bolshevik" of the Pravdinsky district of the Kaliningrad region in 1946—1956. The issues of management, accounting and promotion of collective farm labor, the relationship between the board, foremen and ordinary collective farmers, the problem of compliance with labor regulations and discipline, the reasons and ways ...
Private subsidiary farming: From the history of everyday life of Kaliningrad kolkhozes (1946—1953)
... Совнаркома СССР от 27 мая 1939 г. URL:
. cgi?req=doc;base=ESU;n=14904 (дата обращения: 01.09.2014).
37. Постановление Совмина СССР, ЦК ВКП(б) от 19.09.1946 г. № 2157 «О мерах по ликвидации нарушений Устава сельскохозяйственной артели в колхозах». URL:
(дата обращения: ...
Migrant collective farms in 1946—1953: sketches of rural life
This article focuses on the daily life and problems of the development of new collective farms in the Kaliningrad region (1946—1953) on the basis of earlier unknown archive documents. The study sets out to broaden our perception of the phenomenon of totalitarianism and transformations in the Soviet society in the last years of Stalin's regime, as well as to identify the ...