Typology of the dynamics of nature management systems in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries
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regional system of nature management, sustainable development, North-West of Russia, Baltic countres, programms for the development of nature management
The dynamics of agricultural land use in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries
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agricultural land use, historical and geographical approach, North-West Russia, the Baltic countries
Development factors and regularities of the territorial structure of nature management
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nature use, territorial structure, factors of the evolution of nature management
The evolution of agricultural nature management models in the Baltic States and the Kaliningrad region in 1890—2016
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regional models of agricultural nature management, stages of agricultural evolution, historical and geographical method
Modern landscapes of the Kaliningrad region as a reflection of land us
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land use system, forestry and agricultural transformation of landscapes, restoration succession, modern landscape structure.
The current condition of Kaliningrad landscape environment (methodology and basic results)
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cultural landscape, settlement, land use, regenerative succession.
Measuring social well-being in the rural areas of the Kaliningrad region
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rural districts, geodemographic situation, social wellbeing