The marine component of human geography studies in Post-Soviet Russia: key trends and development priorities
... of optimism], Moscow, Mysl, 358 p. (in Russ.).
5. Salnikov, S. S. 1984, Economic geography of the ocean — a new promising direction of economic and social geography, Sovetskaya geografiya [Soviet Geography], L., Nauka, p. 231— 242. (in Russ.).
6. Druzhinin, A. G. 2016, “Marine component” of Russian social geography: traditions and innovations, Regional Research of Russia, p. 10—19.
7. Gorshkov, S. G. 1976, Morskaya moshch’ gosudarstva [The sea power of the state], M., Voenizdat, 416 p....
The coastalisation of population in today’s Russia: A sociogeographical explication
... V. V., Fedorov, G. M. 1988, Basics of geography of population and settlement within the world's oceans. In: Geografiya okeana: teoriya, praktika, problemy [Geography of the ocean: theory, practice, problems], Leningrad, p. 148—161. (In Russ.)
18. Druzhinin, A. G., Druzhinina, S.S, 1989, Economic-geographical aspects of coastal settlement studies (based on the Rostov region). In: Yuzhnye morya SSSR: geograficheskie problemy issledovaniya i osvoeniya [Southern seas of the USSR: geographical problems ...
The Development of Russian Social Geography: Challenges, Trends, Priorities
... research: fundamental issues of Russian spatial planning, Russian positioning in both global and local (Eurasian) contexts.
1. Sushhiy, S. Ya., 1994, Ocherki geografii russkoj kul'tury [Essays on Geography Russian Culture], Rostov-on-Don, 576 p.
2. Druzhinin, А. G., Shuvalov, V. Е. (ed. and comp.), 2010, Teorija social'nojekonomicheskoj geografii: spektr vzgljadov rossijskih uchjonyh [The theory of socioeconomic geography: the range of views of Russian scientists], Rostov-on-Don,166 p.
3. Druzhinin,...
Geopolitical Security of Russia: Remarks on the Problem Statement
... Fedorov, Doctor of Geography (Director of the Centre for Geopolitical Studies of the Baltic Region, IKBFU); prof. Komleva, Doctor of Political Sciences (Director of the Centre for Geopolitical Analysis of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems); prof. Druzhinin, Doctor of Geography (Director of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems, SFU, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences); Dr Voloshenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences ...
Russia’s Coastal Zone as a Social and Geographic Phenomenon: Conceptualisation and Delimitation
... gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. I. Kanta [Vestnik Immanuel Kant State University of Russia], no. 3, p. 31—42.
40. Anuchin, V. A. 1982, Geograficheskiy faktor v razvitii obshchestva [The geographical factor in the development of society], 334 p.
41. Druzhinin, A. G. 2011, Ot gumanizatsii k neogumanizatsii rossiyskoy sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy geografii: trendy, problemy, prioritety [From the humanization to a neo-humanization of oRussian socio-economic geography: trends, challenges, priorities], Yuzhno-rossiyskiy ...
Russia’s spatial development and the emerging greater Eurasia: factors, trajectories and priorities
... necessary to address
both conceptual and practical challenges in strategic spatial development
The section ‘The phenomenon of Greater Eurasia and its impact on the
spatial dynamics of Russia: a conceptual approach’ was prepared by Alexander
Druzhinin as part of a public commission received by the Institute of Geography
of the Russian Academy of Sciences (№ FMWS-2024-0008 Socio-Economic Space of
Russia in the Context of Global Transformations: Internal and External
Challenges. The section ...
Transboundary Clusters in the Coastal Zones of the European Part of Russia: Inventory, Typology, Factors, and Prospects
... and prospects of transboundary clustering are affected by both global integration and disintegration patterns, coastal infrastructure, geopolitical and geoeconomic ‘neighbourhood’, cultural excellence, and business and investment environment.
1. Druzhinin, A. G. (ed.) 2017, Transgranichnoe klasteroobrazovanie v primorskikh zonakh Evropeiskoi chasti Rossii: faktory, modeli, ekonomicheskie i ekisticheskie effekty [Transboundary cluster formation in the coastal zones of the European part of Russia: ...
Localization of large business in coastal zones as a factor of transboundary clustering (on the example of the European part of Russia)
..., 1998. P. 17—116.
2. Pak A., Majd F. Integrated coastal management plan in free trade zones, case study // Ocean and Coastal Management. 2011. № 54. P. 129—136.
3. Green D. Issues in coastal zone management. UK: Thomas Telford Press, 2009.
4. Druzhinin Alexander G., Gorochnaya Vasilisa V., Dets Igor A. et al. Trans-aquatorial Clustering within the Trend of Cross-border International Economic Interactions // International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 2016. № 6(S5). P 128—135....
Action-thoughts and the genesis of time in linguistic semiosis
... York.
Damasio, A., 1999. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. New York.
Dennett, D. 1996. Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness. New York, NY.
Deutsch, D., 1997. The Fabric of Reality. London.
Druzhinin, A. S., 2020. Construction of irreality: an enactive-constructivist stance on counterfactuals. Constructivist Foundations, 16(1), pp. 69—80.
Everett, D., 2008. Don’t Sleep! There are Snakes: Life and language in the Amazon jungle. New ...
The geochronology of the Holocene vegetation deve¬lopment in the South-east Baltic region (based on the results of a paleogeographic study)
This article presents the results a of complex palaeogeographical study of Velikoye peat bog (the Šešupė River basin, the Kaliningrad region). The pollen analysis accompanied by radiocarbon dating, makes it possible to reconstruct the vegetation development, on the basis of which the climate changes in the South-east Baltic region over the Atlantic-Subatlantic periods of the Holocene can be tracked.
Дружинина О.
Финальный палеолит Юго-Восточной Прибалтики: состояние изученности (по материалам...
Professor Gennady Fedorov: legacy of scientific excellence and personal magnetism
Druzhinin, A. G., Kaledin, N. V., Klemeshev, A. P.
The geopolitical effect of the maritime factor on the spatial development of post-Soviet Russia: the Baltic case
... of Core—Periphery Structure in Transboundary Maritime Regions: Conceptualising, Monitoring and Modelling for the Benefit of Public Governance: the Cases of the Baltic, Caspian and Black Sea Regions, implemented at the Southern Federal University.
Druzhinin A. G.
spatial development, coastal areas, marine regionalisation, maritime activity, geopolitics, Russia, Russian Baltic Area
Economic development of Russia’s north-western regions and migration to the St. Petersburg agglomeration
... shares of manufacturing and agriculture in the economic structure.
The research was supported by Russian Science Foundation grant № 23-28-00446 “The impact of agglomeration formation on the development of the region’s economy as a whole”.
Druzhinin P. V.
Municipal development in modern Russia: a geopolitical aspect
... "collective West" and the actual transition to geostrategic multi-vector. A conceptual idea of "geostrategic municipalities" is developed, their main typological invariants inherent in modern Russia are characterized.
Druzhinin A.G.
municipalities, spatial development, typology of municipalities, geopolitics, Russia
The sea factor in the federal regulation of Russia’s spatial development: post-Soviet experience and current priorities
... which has been rapidly developing in Russia in recent years, can make a significant contribution to solving this problem.
This study, conducted at the Southern Federal University, was supported within the Priority 2030 academic leadership programme.
Druzhinin A.G., Kuznetsova O.V.
spatial development, federal regulation, coastal regions, coastal municipalities, marine economy, Russia
Typoligocal diversity of the strongholds of Russian coastal borderlands: (theoretical and conceptual aspect)
... "development-degradation". The conceptual and theoretical generalizations are illustrated by concrete examples of the spatial dynamics of Russia's marine activity and the corresponding typological groupings of its "strongholds of coastal borderlands".
Druzhinin A. G.
strongholds of Russian coastal borderlands, typology, marine economy, coastal zones, Russia
The strongholds of Russian coastal borderlands: economic dynamics amid geopolitical turbulence
... and expansion of its ‘strongholds’, and economic diversification. The economic systems of the country’s leading coastal region have proven to be highly resistant to geopolitical turbulence; this is partly explained by government support.
Druzhinin A. G.
economy, maritime economy, geopolitics, coastal borderlands, geopolitical turbulence, Russian Federation, Russian western borderlands
Geopolitical turbulence and its economic and geographical projections: the case of Russia’s western border regions
... the position of a particular country and its spatial units — regions and large urban agglomerations. Such changes are obvious and significant for society; they are reflected in the public consciousness and embodied in scientific discourse.
Druzhinin A.G.
geopolitics, geopolitical turbulence, Russia, Western Borderlands, regions, regional economic development
Large business in the coastal zones of Russia: features and factors of localisation
... the exclave of Kaliningrad where both local (Sodruzhestvo and Avtotor) and interregional/transnational companies (United Shipbuilding Corporation, Gazprom, LUKOIL, etc.) are benefitting from the coastal factor in the socio-economic development.
Druzhinin A. G.
coastal zone, coastal cities, Russia, large business, maritime complex, regional development, Baltic region
One Belt - One Road Initiative: A Window of Opportunity for Russia’s Western Border Regions
... special relevance for Russia’s western borderlands. We analyse the possibility of including Russia’s Baltic regions — the infrastructural and economic island of the Kaliningrad exclave among them — into the One Belt — One Road Initiative.
Druzhinin A. G., Dong Y.
geoeconomics, China, Eurasia, transport and logistics corridors, regional development, core-periphery system, Russia’s western borderlands