An economic complexity analysis of the Kaliningrad region: identifying sectoral priorities in the emerging value creation paradigm
... the Kaliningrad region. These activities will facilitate the development of the existing and new capabilities, improve the business environment, and increase the complexity of products, productions, and industries.
Roos, G., Voloshenko, K. Yu., Drok, T. E., Farafonova, Yu. Yu.
economic complexity, capability, sector strategy, industrial policy, international and interregional trade flows, exclave, Kaliningrad region
Developing and testing a balanced scorecard for a trading company
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balanced scorecard, trading company, development stages, goals, prospects, key performance indicators, testing results
A management analysis of operating activities at a regional furniture enterprise
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management accounting, management analysis, furniture production, furniture companies, marginal analysis, operating leverage, cost accounting system, Kaliningrad region
Formation and Development of Furniture Manufacturing in the Kaliningrad Region
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furniture production, stages of development, competitive advantage, Kaliningrad region
Customer lending in Russia: Legal regulation and insurance
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consumer finance, insurance, legal regulation, banking services market.
Tools for developing and implementing the innovative policy of a region
раструктуры приморского региона России. Моделирование управления разви-
тием : монография / под ред. проф. В. В. Ивченко. Калининград, 2010.
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regional innovation policy, tools, innovative activity, innovation potential, regional innovation systems
The key problems and dimensions of financial policy for small businesses
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small enterprises, small and medium businesses, life cycle of an enterprise, financial policy, dimensions of financial policy