Functioning of english loanwords in the scientific and educational discourse of the modern polish language
21. Wysocka K., Leja K. Dekalog internacjonalizacji szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce // E-mentor. 2018. № 1 (73). URL:
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Shkapenko Т. M., Dmitrovskaya M. A.
English loanwords, scientific and educational discourse, internationalization, collaboration
From ekphrasis to autobiography (Nikolay Kononov’s story “Svetotomia”)
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11. Росси Г. Рождение и особенности культа Афродиты. URL:
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Dmitrovskaya M. A., Ivanova E. T.
Nikolay Kononov, “Svetotomia”, conceptual system, ekphrasis, painting, photography, language game, multilingual code, biography, autobiography
The science of love and a classical university: Nikolay Kononov’s short story ‘Anastasia’s Amnesia
... Henry H. Entre poésie et prose: à propos des recueils Hasards du langage et La Chasse au chapeau de Lev Rubinstein, et de quelques autre ‘proses’ inclassable // Le premier quinquennat de la prose russe du XXIe siècle. P., 2006. P. 347—357.
Dmitrovskaya M. A., Degtyarenko K. A.
N. Kononov, ‘Anastasia’s Amnesia’, university prose, conceptual system, intertext, Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, pun, multi-language code, anagram, egography, autobiography
Neither more nor less: the grounds for A.Skidan’s system
... языка : в 4 т. М., 1986.
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Dmitrovskaya M.
Alexander Skidan, philosophical and artistic system, “giving/gift” concept, multilanguage code, anagram, intertext, semantic invariant, variants
The role of intertextuality in the formation of the opposition soul-body in Nikolai Kononov's «Eugenia's Genius»
... легкость бытия / пер. с чеш. Н. Шульгиной. СПб., 2014.
9. Kundera M. Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí. Brno, 2006 // Místní knihovna Lubná. URL:
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Dmitrovskaya M., Lazareva E.
Nikolay Kononov, «Eugenia's Genius», «soul-body» opposition, intertextuality
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
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8. Фасмер М. Этимологический словарь русского языка : в 4 т. М., 1986. Т. 1.
9. Фрейденберг О. М. Поэтика сюжета и жанра. М., 1997.
Dmitrovskaya M.
Nikolai Kononov, “Amnesia of Anastasia”, mytopoetics, vegetative code, language game, anagram, multilingual anagrammatic code, “old-young” opposition, “top-bottom” opposition
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
... 2003. № 5—6. URL: (дата обращения: 25.12.2014).
6. Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: (дата обращения: 26.12.2014).
Dmitrovskaya M
Nikolai Kononov, “Anastasiya’s Amnesia,” vegetative code, multi-language codes, anagram, language game, semantic invariant and variants.
Adrian the Undertaker (the subtexts and pretexts of Nikolai Kononov’s novel The Flaneur)
... Adrian modèle 15. URL: (дата обращения: 17.04.2013).
9. Davydov S. Pushkin's Merry Undertaking and «The Coffinmaker» // Slavic Review. 1985. Vol. 44. № 1.
Dmitrovskaya M., Demenyev I.
Nikolay Kononov, Flaneur, intertext, anagram, Emperor Hadrian, A. S. Pushkin’s “The Undertaker”
The mythopoetics of Yu. Buida’s short story All the Floating by
... Этимологический словарь : в 4 т. М., 2007.
13. Архангел Михаил // Википедия: свободная энциклопедия : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 15.04.2012).
Gavrilova M., Dmitrovskaya M.
Yuri Buida, mythopoetics, wedding, funeral, time
The multi-language coding and anagrammatic foundations of the “Venice text” in Yu. Buida’s short story “All the floating by”
... 4 т. М., 1987.
15. Wikiling : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 02.06.2014).
Yu. Buida, Prussian Bride, “All the floating by,” “Venice text,” multilanguage code, anagram
Dmitrovskaya M., Vitkovsky V.
Hyperbole, the comical, and grotesque in Yu. Buida’s collection of short stories The Prussian Bride
... «Прусская невеста» (языковые стратегии мифотворчества) : дис. …канд. филол. наук. Калининград, 2012.
myth, grotesque, the comical, hyperbole, Yu. Buida, The Prussian Bride.
Dmitrovskaya M., Degtyarenko K.