Generalized model of a satellite information transmission channel using Nyquist shaping filters
... interference. The gain in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), at which the set value of the bit error rate (BER) is achieved, can be up to 9 dB when the rounding factor of the Nyquist filter is reduced from 0.9 to 0.3.
Volkhonskaya E. V., Korotey E. V., Vlasova K. V.
satellite channel, Nyquist filter, intersymbol interference, bit error rate, signal-to-noise rate
Model researches of a single-mirror antenna with a dual-band log-periodic irradiator directional properties in MathCAD
... circuits with distributed parameters. The results of the research showed the adequacy of the constructed model and the compliance of the directional properties of the mirror antenna with the requirements imposed on them.
Volkhonskaya E.V., Korotey E.V., Vlasova K.V.
mirrorantenna, log-periodic antenna, dual-band irradiator, radiation characteristics.
Estimation of Target Elevation Angles in Meter Radars
... физико-математические науки. С. 47—54.
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Khankaev A. A., Pakhotin V. A., Vlasova K. V., Aleschenko A. N.
radar system, the optimum reception method of maximum likeli-hood, estimation of the elevation angles, the functional maximum likelihood estima-tion, superresolutio
Bases of the theory of digital communication systems with not orthogonal carrier frequencies
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Golomentsev D., Pakhotin V., Vlasova K., Molostova S.
the permission of signals, not orthogonal carrier frequencies, the theory of optimum reception, communication systems
Evaluation of error probability in determining of reception time of RZS in the presence of white noise
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Volkhonskaya E., Korotey E., Vlasova K.
radio probing signal, base of radio signal, coordinated filtering, reception time (of signal).
A comparative evaluation of the correlation analysis and maximum likelihood method resolution in the reception of phase-shift keying signals based on Barker codes
... локационных и навигационных устройствах : отчет о НИОКР (промеж.) / БГАРФ ФГБОУ ВПО КГТУ ; рук. Е. В. Волхонская. Калининград, 2014.
Volkhonskaya E., Korotey E., Vlasova K
phase-shift keying signal, Barker’s code, correlation analysis, maximum likelihood method, resolution
iltering of signals from noise by maximum likelihood method
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Pakhotin V., Chernova I., Vlasova K
filtering, optimal reception, the linear space of signals, maximum likelihood method.
Model of ionospheric signal with the multiplicate hindrance
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Molostova S., Nikitin M., Vlasova K., Bessonov V., Liberman I.
ionosphere, radio wave propagation, the theory of optimal reception, the multiplicative noise, Doppler filtering.
The decision of the problem of definition of angular coordinates of object by the method of the maximum credibility
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Pakhotin V. A., Vlasova K. V.
angular transformation of Fure, the aperture of antenna system, credibility function, the permission
on an azimuth.