On the possibility of improving the physical parameters of the receiving and transmitting antenna system
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antenna-feeder device, radiation pattern, operating frequency range, transceiver module, orthogonal placement of vibrators
Improving the design of low-frequency transmitting antenna systems
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loop antenna, polarization of radiation, ferrite magnetic circuit, electric vector, magnetic permeability, radiated power
Calculation method of the channel potential possibilities of surface vessel radiocommunication system in the mode of pseudo-random frequency tuning
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Pereversev A. A., Ponimatkin V. E., Shpilevoi A. Ja., Boltnev Y. F., Kvitko G. V.
radio-communication system, a receiving-transmitting channel, the width of the signal spectrum, surface vessel, the calculation algorithm
Dipole antenna with stabilized input impedance
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Pimenov, V. S., Ponimatkin, V. E., Shpilevoi, A. A., Kobylyakov, V. S.
compact antenna system, fractal structure, Sierpinski triangle, antenna dipole with improved characteristics
A. About the method of optimizing the parameters of antenna systems
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Antipov, O. E., Ponimatkin, V. E., Shpilevoi, A. A., Goglev, V.
antenna system, coplanar dipoles, input impedance, orthogonal segments, frequency band
Seven stages of ADC connection for effective analog-to-digital conversion, minimizing noise elements
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high-frequency conversion, ADC, noise level minimization
On the problem of signal reconstruction in the case of analog-to-digital conversion in communication systems
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analog-to-digital converter, aperture time, sampling, recovered signal, digital signal processing
Building transmitter circuit for the study of parameters of system of secondary emitters
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Shpilevoy A. , Ponimatkin V.
radiative circuit, secondary emitters, Helmholtz coils, gradient of the intensity of magnetic field
About radio station with reverse connect in duplex regime
... Шпилевой А. А.
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2010121183 от 25.05.10 (решение Института промышленной собственности РФ на выдачу патента от 17.07.11).
Lukjanov Yu., Ponimatkin V., Shpilevoy A.
radio station, antenna, duplex, transmitting line, synchronization.