Spatial and structural patterns in the distribution of R&D, innovation and production activities in Russia
... financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 23-27-00149 “The Eurasian vector of partnership in the mirror of interregional cooperation between Russia and India in the field of science, technology and innovation”.
Mikhaylov A. S., Maksimenko D. D., Maksimenko M. R.
knowledge production, geography of knowledge, innovation, regional innovation system, innovation activity, research and development, science and technology
Knowledge and innovation dynamics of the Northwest Russia under geopolitical changes
... financial support of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation № 23-27-00149 ‘Eurasian vector of partnership in the mirror of interregional cooperation between Russia and India in the field of science, technology and innovation’.
Mikhaylov, A. S., Maksimenko, D. D., Maksimenko, M. R., Filatov, M. M.
geography of knowledge, geography of innovation, innovation process, scientometrics, publications, R&D, patents, innovations, Northwest Russia, scientific cooperation
On interpreting the legal category “form of government” (the case of Russia and Kazakhstan)
... перераб. и доп. / под ред. Н. И. Матузова, А. В. Малько. М., 2007. Теория государства и права : учеб. / под ред. А. У. Бейсеновой. Алматы, 2006.
Alimpieva T. G., Maksimenko E. I.
presidential republic, parliamentary republic, mixed type republic, form of government, supreme power setting, political and state regime, way of state power implementation