Liver shear wave elastography: the problem of accuracy and reproducibility
... ARFI technologies — point shear wave elastography (pSWE) and two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE). Two-dimensional SWE (2D-SWE) provides maximum color visual information about the state of liver tissue elasticity.
Izranov V.A., Kazantseva N.V., Stepanyan I.A., Martinovich M.V., Gordova V.S., But-Gusaim V.I.
ultrasound, stiffness of the liver, measurement area, body mass index, operator skills, the minimum required number of measurements, shear wave velocity
Diagnostic criteria for splenomegaly (review)
... strict criteria for splenomegaly (a certain value of the length, volume of an organ, the area of its transverse section) to formulas that take into account the anthropometric characteristics of patients (gender, height).
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spleen, size, volume, ultrasound, computed tomography
Normal range of liver stiffness measurement in healthy people
... транзиентной эластографии в диагностике диффузных заболеваний печени // Ультразвуковая и функциональная диагностика. 2013. № 5. С. 17—23.
Izranov V. A., Kazantseva N. V., Stepanyan I. A., Martinovich M. V., Gordova V. S., But-Gusaim V. I.
review, sonoelastography, transient elastography, shear wave elastography, shear wave velocity
Development of musical hearing during education at different musical departments
... Грюнер М. Г., Докери П. Клиническая нейроанатомия и неврология по Фицджеральду / пер. с англ. ; под ред. Ю. А. Щербука, А. Ю. Щербука. М., 2018.
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woodwind instruments, keyboard instruments, string instruments, vocalists, absolute music ear, relative music ear
Physical foundations of liver elastography
... безопасности проведения одномометрой динамической эластографии печени и селезенки // Медицинская визуализация. 2011. № 3. С. 11—19.
Izranov V. А., Kazantseva N. V., Martinovich М. V., But-Gusaim V. I., Stepanyan I. А.
ultrasound, radiology, terms
Liver elastography techniques and the problems of Russian terminology
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terms, glossary, physical principles, ultrasound, radiology
Assessment of the CNS function in fetuses with different pathology
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Movement patterns, general movements, fetus, developmental disorders, cerebral palsy, Kurjak Antenatal Neurobehavioral Test, KANET
Assessment of hepatic volume ex vivo by the formulas of the ultrasound volumetry
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clinical ultrasound, liver volume, ultrasound volumetry of the liver, ultrasound measurements of the liver, liver size
he new formula of the liver volume calculation: the integration into the automatic ultrasound diagnostic work station (AWS) "Assistant"
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the thickness of the right lobe (TRL) of the liver, the oblique vertical dimension (OVD), the cranio-caudal size of the left lobe (CCLL)
The ultrasound volumetry: selecting optimal formula based on linear liver dimensions (ex vivo study)
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liver size, liver volume, ultrasound volumetry of the liver
Use of the genetic algorithm for devising a formula for liver volumetry
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Genetic algorithm, linear regression, polynomial formula
The ulrasonographic semiotics of diffuse liver disease: Verification using the point shear-wave elastography
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Kobinets Yu. V., Izranov V. A., Martinovich M. V., Kazantseva N. V., Stepanyan I. A.
ultrasound diagnostics, shear wave elastography, liver, fibrosis, cirrhosis, acoustic radiation force impulse
Estimating the accuracy of standard volume calculations using liver volumetry
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Izranov V. A., Kazantseva, N. V., Beletskaya M.A, Martinovich M. F., Ponomarev N. A.
ultrasound, sonography, liver size, liver measurement, hepatomegaly, liver volume
Measurement of liver volume using imaging techniques of various modalities
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ultrasound, sonography, liver size, liver measurement, hepatomegaly, liver enlargement, liver volume
Challenges of the methodological approaches to the measurement and the evaluation of liver size
... right and left lobes // Transplantation. 2002. Vol. 74(12). P. 1757—1761.
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liver length; liver anatomy; sonography, ultrasonography, organometry, liver measurement normal range
KANET: application in ultrasonography and challenges of protocoling
... Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011. Vol. 5. P. 317—329.
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KANET, neurobehavioral assessment, neurodevelopment, fetus, pregnancy, general movements, computer workstation for ultrasound diagnostics, protocols