An economic complexity analysis of the Kaliningrad region: identifying sectoral priorities in the emerging value creation paradigm
... the Kaliningrad region. These activities will facilitate the development of the existing and new capabilities, improve the business environment, and increase the complexity of products, productions, and industries.
Roos, G., Voloshenko, K. Yu., Drok, T. E., Farafonova, Yu. Yu.
economic complexity, capability, sector strategy, industrial policy, international and interregional trade flows, exclave, Kaliningrad region
Formation and Development of Furniture Manufacturing in the Kaliningrad Region
... состоянию на 16.06.2015 г. // Национальное рейтинговое агентство. URL:
(дата обращения: 13.02.2016).
Barinov Alexander, Drok Tatiana
furniture production, stages of development, competitive advantage, Kaliningrad region