Kantian Journal

2018 Vol. 37. №2

International Scientific Conference “Kant and Solovyov: Convergences and Divergences”


November 15—16, 2018
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,  Kaliningrad, Russia

The Academia Kantiana at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University organizes a series of conferences on the theme of “Immanuel Kant and Russian Philo­sophers: Convergences and Divergences.” The first conference, co-organized with the Department of the History of Russian Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, is devoted to the reception and criticism of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov.
The aim of the gathering is to examine diverse aspects of Solovyov’s philosophical works — epistemological, philosophico-political, philosophico-religious, aesthetic, etc. — in which an intellectual influence from Kant is discernible or in which a polemical stance is taken against him. But the prevailing theme of the conference will be the practical philosophy of the German and Russian philosophers: in 2018, 230 years have passed since the publication of Kant’s main ethical work, the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and, in 2019, 120 years will have passed since the publication of Solovyov’s final version of The Justification of the Good (1899). Both of these works are the apexes of two different, yet closely related, traditions of moral philosophy — the German and the Russian.
The conference will be devoted to the study of overlaps and influences between currently relevant aspects of the legacies of Kant and Solovyov. These aspects will also be examined in light of the views of Solovyov’s contemporaries: K. D. Kavelin, L. N. Tolstoy, B. N. Chicherin, the brothers Trubetskoy, L. M. Lopatin, N. I. Grot, N. I. Kareev, and others in connection with their polemics around the philosophy of Kant and Solovyov. We also intend to pay attention to the influence of Solovyov on Russian Neo-Kantianism.

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