Kantian Journal

2017 Vol. 36. №1

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Around the “social pedagogy” of Paul Natorp: Vladimir Dinze in the debates on national upbringing. Part 2



Many scholars and practitioners in the sphere of the public education and upbringing in Russia addressed themselves to the philosophical-pedagogical ideas of German philosopher of Neo- Kantian movement Paul Natorp. These ideas were formulated mainly in his fundamental work “Social Pedagogy”. Vladimir Dinze relies on Natorp’s thesis of the national school as the way of accustoming “the all people to the national culture”, actualizes the heritage of Russian and Western pedagogues and philosophers and formulates newly the problem of the national upbringing that is after hundred years in tune with the times as before. The papers of Dinze himself and the translation of Natorp’s “Social Pedagogy” which was organized by him turned out to be the catalysts in the debates on the national education and upbringing. The debates took place in Russian in 1913— 1916, and the outstanding philosophers and pedagogues like M. Rubinstein, P. Blonskiy, V. Soroka- Rosinskiy, S. Zolotarev, P. Devin, S. Rusova and others participated in these debates. As result there worked out the principles of the general and equally accessible national education for all social groups and the harmonious and humane patriotic upbringing, which had to be open to the best achievements of the world culture. The letters of Russian scholars V. Dinze and A. Grombach to P. Natorp and one letter of Natorp to Dinze will be published as a supplement to the article. These letters show not only the process of the translation of “Social Pedagogy” into Russian, but also disclose the peculiarities of the organization of translations of the contemporary scientific literature in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. They were the personal initiative, enthusiasm, the responsibility before the future reader, the scope and intensity of the translators’ and publishers’ activity and the constant lack of adequate financing of this activity.


1. Bart, P. 1913, Elementy vospitanija i obuchenija (na osnovanii sovremennoj psihologii i filosofii) [Elements of upbringing and education (on the base of contemporary psychology and philosophy], transl. by V. A. Volkovich, N. K. Kul’man, E. A. Leve, V. R. Mrochek, V. V. Polovcov, S. I. Sozonov, in 2 parts, St. Petersburg.
2. Blonskij, P. P. 1915, O nacional’nom vospitanii [About the national upbringing], Moscow. 
3. Windelband, W. 1900, Platon [Plato], trasl. from German by A. Grombach. St. Petersburg. 
4. Volzhanin, Vl. [Dinze, V. F.] 1916a, Vojna i shkola [War and school], in: Volzhanin, Vl., Dinze, V. F., Smirnov, S. D. O nacional’noj shkole: Sbornik statej [About national school: Collected papers], Petrograd, p. 102—127.
5. Volzhanin, Vl. [Dinze, V. F.], 1916b, Istorija kak predmet nachal’nogo obuchenija [History as a subject of national education], Petrograd.
6. Gessen, S. I. 1998, Ideja nacii [Idea of nation], in: Gessen, S. I., Izbrannye sochinenija [Selected papers], ed. by A. Valicky, N. Chistjakova, Moscow, p. 78—105.
7. Devin, P. I. 1916, O nacional’nom russkom vospitanii [About the national upbringing], Russkaja shkola [Russian school], no. 2—3, depart. I, p. 11—29.
8. Dinze, V. F. 1916a, O natsii i natsional’noi idee v pedagogike [About nation and national idea in pedagogy], in: Volzhanin [Dinze], V., Dinze, V. F., Smirnov, S. D., O natsional’noi shkole [About national school], Petrograd, p. 5—21.
9. Dinze, V. F. 1913, O natsional’nom vospitanii. Opyt privlecheniya otechestvennogo vnimaniya k nasushchnomu voprosu [About national upbringing. An attempt to draw the domestic attention to the urgent problem], St. Petersburg.
10. Dinze, V. F. 1916b, O natsional’noi russkoi shkole [About national Russian school], in: Volzhanin [Dinze], V., Dinze, V. F., Smirnov, S. D., O natsional’noi shkole [About national school], Petrograd, p. 35—66.
11. F. I. P. [Pavlov, F. I.], 1913, (Rec.:) Vl. Dinze. O nacional’nom vospitanii. Opyt privlechenija otechestvennogo vnimanija k nasushhnomu voprosu. Izd. O. V. Bogdanovoj. SPb. 1913. C. 50 kop. [Review: Vl. Dinze, About the nationa upbringing. An attempt to draw the domestic attention to the urgent problem], Russkaja shkola [Russian school], no. 10, depart. III, p. 18—20.
12. Lapshin, I. I. 1911, Sotsial’naya pedagogika Natorpa [Social pedagogy of Natorp], in: Nechaev, A. P. (ed.), Ocherki po istorii pedagogicheskikh uchenii [Essays on the history of pedagogical studies], Moscow, p. 209—229.
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15. Natorp, P. 1911, Sotsial’naya pedagogika. Teoriya vospitaniya voli na osnove obshchnosti [Social pedagogy. The theory of upbringing of the will on the base of community], St. Petersburg.
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17. Natorp, P. 1912a, Pestalocci. Ego zhizn’ i ego idei [Pestalozzi, his life and his ideas],  transl. by M. A. Engelgardt, St. Petersburg.
18. Natorp, P. 1912b, Razvitie naroda i razvitie lichnosti [Development of folk and development of person], transl. by A. Palchik. St. Petersburg.
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22. RGALI [The Russian state archive of literature and arts], F. 1348. Op. 4. Ed. 2. 1 l. Pis’mo P. Natorpa V. F. Dinze. Na nem. yaz. [Letter of P. Natorp to V. Dinze, in German]. Marburg, 20.12.1909.
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24. Rusova, S. F. 1913, (Rec.:) Vl. Dinze. O nacional’nom vospitanii. Izd. Bogdanovoj, S.-Pet. 1913. C. 50 k. [(Review:) Vl. Dinze, About the national upbringing. An attempt to draw the domestic attention to the urgent problem], Pedagogicheskoe obozrenie [Pedagogical review], no. 1, p. 83—84.
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31. UB Marburg, Handschriftenabteilung, Natorp-Nachlaß, Ms. 831. 
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