Kantian Journal

2014 Issue №3(49)

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Kant’s philosophical system and the principles of its interpretation



Kant’s philosophical system has had a strange history: from the moment of its inception, it exhibited critical contradictions; however, later, it was demonstrated that the contradictions existed not in the system of the Königsberg philosopher, but rather in the mind of the interpreter, and the system proved to be even more solid than before. This process has taken more than two centuries and seems to be endless. It is akin to a rock that waves break against and then recede falling into myriads of splashes. This article analyses the hermeneutic principles suggested by Kant, which would make the critical waves peacefully lap against the rock. Kant draws special attention of the reader to some of them — these are the principles of system integrity and noncontradiction, as well as those closelyconnected to the structural content of the system: 1) the principle of purity; 2) the principle of system openness; 3) the principle of ultimate end; 4) the principle of historicity; 5) the principle of activity; 6) the transcendental principle, and 7) the principle of the unity of the world. All these principles are designed to prove that a system is the answer to the question “What a human being is”, as well as a representation of transcendental anthropology.


1. Калинников Л. А. Интерпретация и принципы // Кантовский сборник. 1989.
Вып. 14. С. 81—90.
2. Кант И. Критика практического разума // Соч. : в 6 т. М., 1965a. Т. 4.
3. Кант И. Критика чистого разума // Соч. на нем. и рус. яз. М., 2006. Т. 2, ч. 1.
4. Кант И. Критика чистого разума // Соч. : в 6 т. М., 1964. Т. 3.
5. Кант И. Материалы к «Критике чистого разума. Наброски 1778—1780 годов //Из рукописного наследия (материалы к «Критике чистого разума», Opus postumum). М., 2000.
6. Кант И. Основы метафизики нравственности // Соч. : в 6 т. М., 1965б. Т. 4.
7. Кант И. О применении телеологических принципов в философии // Там же. Т. 5.
8. Кант И. Письмо К. Л. Рейнгольду 28—31 декабря 1787 г. // Трактаты и письма. М., 1980а.
9. Кант И. Письмо М. Герцу от 21 февраля 1772 г. // Там же. 1980б.
10. Кант И. Пролегомены… // Соч. : в 6 т. М., 1965в. Т. 4.
11. Кант И. Антропология с прагматической точки зрения // Соч. : в 6 т. М., 1966. Т. 6.

