The Baltic Region

2010 Issue №2(4)

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Strategic perspectives for the territorial development of the Baltic Sea Region



The article describes the motives, objectives and findings of preparing a perspective for territorial development of the Baltic Sea Region and discusses issues related to its implementation. Particular attention is paid to Northwest Russia and Kaliningrad region. Promoting innovation clusters, metropolitan networks and urban-rural partnerships, improving accessibility as well as enhancing maritime spatial planning and management are key issues to be solved in transnational cooperation


1.     VASAB 2010 — Gdansk Declaration. Sixth Conference of Ministers respon­sible for spatial planning and development in the Baltic Sea Region, Gdansk 19 Sep­tember 2005.

2.     VASAB Long Term Perspective for the Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region. Adopted at the 7th Conference of the BSR Ministers responsible for Spatial Planning and Development on 16. October 2009 in Vilnius.

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6.     Заухи Я., Федоров Г. М. и др. Северо-Запад России в регионе Балтийско­го моря: проблемы и перспективы экономического взаимодействия и сотруд­ничества. Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И. Канта, 2008.

7.     Dubois A., Schürmann C. Transport and accessibility in the Baltic Sea Re­gion — structures and perspectives // Spatial Planning and development in the Baltic Sea Region. Bonn 2009:8/9. P. 547—560.

8.     Blažauskas N., Fedorov G., Klimenko N. et al. Potentials of the east — Baltic States, Russia and Belarus // Ibid. P. 569—586.

9.     Cieślak A., Jakubowska P. et al. Compendium on Maritime Spatial Planning systems in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Warsaw, Gdansk, 2009.

10. Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation to the year 2020. Approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 27 July 2001.

11. VASAB Long Term Perspective for the Territorial Development of the Bal­tic Sea Region. Background Synthesis Document, Riga/Vilnius, 2009.

12. Commission of the European Communities: Communication from the Com­mission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Commit­tee and the Committee of the Regions concerning the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. COM(2009) 248 final. Brussels, 2009.

13. HELCOM (Helsinki Commission). The Baltic Sea Action Plan. Adopted at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting on 15 November 2007 in Krakow.