the Baltic accent


We invite researchers from different fields to submit manuscripts to both regular and special themed issues. The journal encourages authors to contribute to discussions on methodological and empirical problems and the findings and cases proving or disproving earlier theoretical assumptions. We welcome contributions on the following topics:

1) the Russian language and the society. Social semiotics and social semantics;

2) philosophy of the text;

3) semiotics and linguistics of translation and interpreting;

4) the word and the image: The means to represent experience and knowledge.

Recommended length: 20,000 to 60,000 characters, including spaces.

The journal aims to acquaint readers with existing concepts, test new ideas and methods, and give a new perspective on earlier findings. It strives to provide a platform for discussion on new perspectives and promising areas of the humanities and social sciences within new paradigms of Russian and international science. The 2017-2018 issues will demonstrate how new trends in the humanities affect Russian studies. This will offer a new perspective on the current problems of the Russian language.

In 2017-2018, special themed editions dedicated to current problems of interdisciplinary Russian studies with a focus on such rapidly developing areas as social semiotics and social semantics, semiotics and linguistics of translation, interpreting, and cross-language transfers, and modern philosophy and linguistics of the text will be published alongside regular issues. This requires a dynamic consideration of communication and the processes of constructing and deconstructing of meaning in view of the multi-tier structure of sociocultural, cognitive, semiotic, and other factors. A potential priority is the search for proper tools to study these phenomena.