Baltic accent

2024 Vol. 15 №1

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Polynominativity of geographical objects in the linguocultural context



The article attempts to analyze the linguocultural factors contributing to the phenome­non of polynominativity—multiple names for a single object. This investi­gation employs top­onyms as a case study. The exploration delves into several key factors that give rise to poly­onyms: 1) linguosociocultural factors: these factors play a pivotal role in shaping subsystems of names, encompassing both official and unof­ficial, widely used and niche terms, as well as neutral and connotatively charged expressions. 2) linguogeocultural factors: they contribute to the differentiation of objects based on culturally significant oppositions such as ‘near-far’, ‘left-right’, and subsequently transmit binary characteristics like ‘own-alien’,’ ‘good-bad’, among others. 3) linguoethnocultural factors: these factors elucidate the intricacies of the in­teraction and mutual influence of onomastic systems from different ethnic groups coexisting within the same geographical space. 4) linguopragmatic factors: these factors drive the multi­plication of onomastic units and subsystems for utilitarian purposes, including cultural con­siderations. 5) linguocognitive factors: they lead to the emergence of ‘double’ names that mir­ror individual or collective features of a particular worldview model. It is evident that these factors interact dynamically within specific historical, social, and cultural contexts. The study of the intricate interplay between these elements holds promise, and advancements in onomas­tic ethnolinguistics, coupled with developments in computational linguistics, are par­ticularly noteworthy. Despite progress, researchers tackling this thematic area are confronted with numerous unresolved questions.


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