Baltic accent

2021 Vol. 12 №4

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Interdiscursivity as a linguocreative appropriation of discourses: the avant-garde and Andrey Tarkovsky



The article explores the category of interdiscursivity from a perspective of its realization in films. As a point of departure, the historical ties of the avant-garde and cinema are ana­lyzed in terms of interdiscursivity. Literary and artistic works of the representatives of the Russian avant-garde are characterized by a number of innovations that are relevant for the understanding of the interdiscursivity in cinematography as art. The established avant-garde foundations of interdiscursivity make it possible to define it as a linguocreative appropriation of discourses and to elaborate a methodology of its study in films. The film “Stalker” is select­ed as an object of research due to the fact that Andrey Tarkovsky’s innovative cinematic ap­proach makes his works akin to the approaches of art innovators of the avant-garde epoch. The specificity of the interdiscursivity of “Stalker” is determined both by a significant degree of transformation of its literary basis and by a varied appropriation of certain types of discourse in the process of making a film as an original artistic-aesthetic object. Elements of different types of discourse act as linguistic and creative means that influence the heuristic potential of the verbal system of a film.


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