Baltic accent

2021 Vol. 12 №1

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The noun visilka: a semantic portrait and a system of multiple meanings (based on police search documentation of the second half of the 19th century)



This article is devoted to one of the important aspects of studying the Russian business language of the second half of the 19th century — the formation of the lexical meaning of the noun visilka (exile, expulsion), typical of the police procedure documentation of the time. The author discovered business texts of this type in the funds of the State Archive of the Tyumen region, the State Archive of the Omsk region, and the State Archive of the Irkutsk region. All texts date back to the late 19th century. The study of the lexeme visilka was conducted in ac­cordance with the lexicographic portraiture methodology (proposed by Apresyan and Mayorov) and the principles of linguistic study of source texts. A comprehensive analysis of the lexical distribution of the noun visilka determined the necessity of abstract or concrete-abstract vector locatives, which expanded the lexical meaning of this lexeme in the business texts of the second half of the 19th century. The authors identified the main semantic features of the noun visilka (the dominance of the archiseme — 'process', the existence of the differen­tial semes 'result', 'actions of people involved in a police search'). Further research is aimed at examining business writings from Western and Eastern Siberia, which belong to a different genre and a different time period. Further research will be based on the texts from the Nation­al Corpus of the Russian language, the Uppsala and Tyubinsk corpuses, the database of the Russian press Integrum and Open Corpus.


Delo Irkutskogo gubernskogo pravleniya o razyskanii byvshego studenta Har'kovskogo Veterinarnogo Instituta Ivana Trofimova Cycenko, privlekavshegosya k doznaniyu po delu o gosudarstvennom prestuplenii [The case of the Irkutsk provincial government on the search for a former student of the Kharkiv Veterinary Institute, Ivan Trofimov Tsitsenko, who was involved in the investigation of a state crime]. OGKU «Gosudar­stvennyj arhiv Irkutskoj oblasti», F. 32. Op. 5. D. 519. L. 2.

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O razyskanii i vysylkѣ iz Tary v Omsk maloletnej docheri arestanta Glagoleva Anny Vasil'evoj Glagolevoj [About the search and expulsion of Tara to Omsk the young daughter of the prisoner Glagolev Anna Vasilyeva Glagoleva]. BU OO «Istoricheskij ar­hiv Omskoj oblasti». F. 3. Oр. 6. D. 8072. L. 1 (In Russ.).

O rozyskanii skryvshegosya s mѣsta prichisleniya gosudarstvennago prestupnika Aleksѣya Bydarina [About search of the state criminal Alexey Bydarin who has disap­peared from the list of MST]. OGKU «Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Irkutskoj oblasti». F 32. Op. 5. D. 458. L. 1 (In Russ.).

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Ukazy Tobol'skogo gubernskogo pravleniya o rozyske beglyh i po ugolovnym delam [De­crees of the Tobolsk provincial government on the search for fugitives and criminal cases]. GBUTO «Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tyumenskoj oblasti». F. I-3. Oр. 1. D. 49. L. 1 (In Russ.).

Ukazy Tobol'skogo gubernskogo pravleniya o rozyske beglyh kolodnikov, o denezhnyh vzyskaniyah, o vzyskanii skladochnyh rekrutskih deneg, ob uteryannyh dokumentah, po ugolovnym delam, o vzyskanii gosudarstvennoj podati [Decrees of the Tobolsk provincial government on the search for fugitive prisoners, on monetary penalties, on the re­covery of folded recruitment money, on lost documents, in criminal cases, on the recovery of state taxes]. GBUTO «Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tyumenskoj oblasti». F. I-3. Oр. 1. D. 62. L. 4 (In Russ.).

Ukazy Tobol'skogo gubernskogo pravleniya o rozyske beglyh, po ugolovnym delam, o denezhnyh vzyskaniyah, po voprosam deloproizvodstva, o prodazhe soli, o nablyudenii za ssyl'nymi, o peredachi po nasledstvu imushchestv, o sohranenii vin [The decrees of the To­bolsk provincial government wanted fugitive, in criminal cases, monetary penalties for record keeping, the sale of salt, on the observation of exiles, on the transfer of in­herited assets, the preservation of wines]. GBUTO «Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tyu­menskoj oblasti». F. I-3. Oр. 1. D. 120. L. 53 (In Russ.).

Ukazy Tobol'skogo gubernskogo pravleniya o vzyskanii po vekselyam, o syske beglyh, o vzyskanii kazennyh nedoimok [Decrees of the Tobolsk provincial government on collect­ing bills of exchange, on finding fugitives, on collecting state arrears]. GBUTO «Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tyumenskoj oblasti». F. I-3. Oр. 1. D. 72. L. 390 (In Russ.).