Baltic accent

2020 Vol. 11 №1

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Hybrid texts as a form of interaction between avant-garde artistic and political discourses



This paper explores hybrid texts as a special type of text that forms within ‘inter-discourse interaction’ and relates to the ‘convergence of discourses’. The analysis focuses on the interaction between avant-garde art and political discourses, which have been in close contact since the 20th century and have common typological features. The main methods used in this study are the linguistic pragmatic method, the linguistic poetic method, and discourse analysis. The article proposes a definition of hybridization and hybrid texts while distinguish­ing between the linguistic, genre, multimodal, and multimedia types of hybridization. Special cases of language hybrids are onomatopoeic hybrids, which are based on the sounds of hostili­ties; hybrid words formed with a hyphen or a connecting vowel; bifocal semantic hybrids; and hybrid syntactic constructions. Genre hybridization occurs in avant-garde art and poetic manifestos, decrees, and declarations. Multimodal hybrids include artistic-political texts in which a combination of codes (verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) co-exists with a com­bination of various types of discourse. At the same time, each of the elements of a multimodal hybrid message refers simultaneously to both artistic and political reality. The multimedia type of hybridization includes texts that use innovative technologies and new media channels while combining several information transfer channels. This way, a new system of relation­ships is built and the possibility arises to create a new ‘total work of art’.


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