Baltic accent

2017 Vol. 8 №3

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Daniel Everett and Cultural Linguistics



This paper deals with the views of Daniel L. Everett as exemplified in his major works Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes and Language: The Cultural Tool. The aim of this study is to analyse the connection of these works to various schools of thought and to examine the possible link with linguistic cultural studies. Everett’s definitions of language and culture are contrasted with those of various schools in linguistics. It should be noted that Everett does not appear to use the term linguistic worldview. Yet, due to the rich empirical evidence found and set out in his books and papers, Everett effectively summarizes the views on the subject of worldview. Everett’s standpoint does not show significant differences from those of Anna Wierzbicka, or Veronika N. Teliya. At the end of this article, Everett is compared to Émile Benveniste, who — while not belonging explicitly to any school of thought — gave an exhaustive description of concepts and ideas found in contemporary linguistics.


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