Baltic accent

2017 Vol. 8 №2

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The linguistic paradigm in Kant studies



This article discusses the potential of the linguistic persona theory in the linguistic studies of Kant’s texts. Linguistic Kant studies is a scientific discipline focusing on the language of Kant's works. Such a study can be either independent or integrated int a logicalphilosophical analysis. The author emphasizes Kant’s contribution to the German philosophical and scientific discourse of the Enlightenment and summarizes current findings on the philosopher’s style and language. It is shown that the analysis of Kant’s linguistic creativity (new terms, syntactic models, utterance structures, communicative speech structure, modality, text generation mechanisms, metaphors, and pragmatics) can be paired with the study of the verbal-semantic, cognitive, and motivational levels of the philosopher’s linguistic persona. The author stresses the importance of the linguistic investigations of philosophical texts for an in-depth interpretation of their philosophical content.


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