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2016 Vol. 7 №4

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N. M. Karamzin: On the History of Using the Koenigsberg Archives in his Work on the History of the Russian State



Writing his History of the Russian State N. M. Karamzin used the Russian chronicles, embassy documents, and diplomatic correspondence. He was among the first historians to turn to foreign sources, and to that end had to obtain copies of the documents shedding light on the relations between the Moscow State and the Teutonic Order in the first quarter of the 16th century. In the following years and up to the present time, however, both Russian and German researchers have been paying little attention to the analytical aspect of the Russian historiographer’s work. The article deals with the the attitude to Karamzin’s research activity, accentuating the significance of his work for assessing the events of 500 years ago and of today.


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