Baltic accent

2016 Vol. 7 №3

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The gallant style in the development of new Russian literature (I. Bogdanovich — N. Karamzin — I. Dmitriev)



The article proves that the gallant style Précieuses of 1760—1770s had a great stylistic influence on the Russian literature of the XVIII—XIXth centuries. «Natalia, Boyarskaya doch’» («Natalia, Boyar's daughter»), a story by N. M. Karamzin, was created under the decisive influence of «Doushen’ka» («Darling»), a poem by I. F. Bogdanovich, and absorbed the traditions of La Fontaine and Voltaire, becoming a model of the literary style for I. I. Dmitriev that he demonstrated in his fairy tale «Prichudnitsa» (“Dreamer”) and then for most Russian writers of the first half of the XIXth century.


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2. Богданович И. Ф. Стихотворения и поэмы / вступ. ст., подгот. текста и примеч. И. З. Сермана. Л., 1957.
3. Дмитриев И. И. Полн. собр. стихотворений / сост., вступ. ст. и коммент. Г. П. Макогоненко. Л., 1967.
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5. Карамзин Н. М. Избр. соч. : в 2 т. / вступ. ст. П. Беркова, Г. Макогоненко. М. ; Л., 1964.
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